Frquently asked questions
LJC EXPRESS 5 different types of service:
Yes, you can!
call /
email our customer service for booking.
Yes, you may refer to our Terms & Condition for the full list of items which we do not deliver.
Additional charge applies for restricted zones such as Jurong Island, Jurong Port, PSA Port, Sats, Aerospace Zone, Shipyard, Airline Road, ALPS Ave, Camps, Police base, Checkpoints, Constructions Site, Casino and Supply Base.
You may submit your booking through the web through our Bulk order templates.
Contact us at to find out more.
We operate from Mon-Fri, 9am ~ 6pm.
Closed on Saturday ,Sunday and Public Holidays.
Yes! Please refer to our Terms & Condition on packing.
Yes! Please enter the full address (includes the road name, unit number, building name and postal code).
Kindly ensure the information is correct before confirming your orders.
Yes, we can! please call customer service to arrange for booking (platform only available for normal service delivery).
Bike: Maximum up to 2kg of parcel.
Van: Maximum length of cargos 2m (7 feet).
We deliver items no more than 1000cm (L+W+H Dimension) or items weighing more than 20kg.
Yes,we do! please call customer service to arrange for booking.
Using your consignment number, you can check where your items are via our Track order button online or via the mobile app.
Yes, we will update you the status of your item at every step of the way.
Unfortunately, we do not allow you to modify or cancel your order.
Please email us at / call 6396-6691.
We will try our best within all reasonable means to reach the recipient to complete the job.
Failing which, we will move off and consider this an unsuccessful attempt. For re-attempt Please make a new booking.
No. Setup is free. Just contact us at to arrange.
Cash,Credit, cheques, bank transfer and paypal.
LJC EXPRESS is subject to a maximum liability of S$100 per booking. We will investigate the matter thoroughly.
If in doubt, you may contact
Our refund policy is within 60-90 days from date of cancellation / report.